Mature drivers can take advantage of our specially designed senior driving education. These in-car driving lessons for seniors provide a refresher course covering all the basic rules and safety practices of driving.

There are several ways driver’s education can benefit seniors over 55. Here are a few reasons taking driving lessons is a good idea:
You obtain a discount on automobile insurance
You make sure to cover materials on written exams required for license renewals
It’s a refresher course on safe driving strategies and techniques
Driving has changed a lot since many seniors earned their first driving permit or license. Taking classes from a driving school for seniors can be beneficial to keep up-to-date on the most recent changes and to help stay up on the ever changing environment of driving. Seniors can benefit from learning or relearning things like:
Minimizing the effect of blind spots
Maintaining proper distances behind other vehicles
Changing lanes safely and making turns in busy intersections
The effects medications can have on driving
How to monitor your own and other driver’s skills
Why it is important to eliminate distractions such as cell phones, smoking, and eating
Defensive driving strategies
How to accommodate and manage age related changes in hearing, vision and reaction times
Once you have finished the course you will better understand the challenges of driving today and how you may avoid collisions altogether. This not only keeps you safe, but can also help from causing injuries to others.
Besides the obvious safety advantages, when you take a driving course designed for seniors, you will also receive:
Convenient classes to fit in your schedule
A certificate to present to the insurance company showing you completed the course
Discounted insurance rates
24/7 customer support
Taking a senior driving course can be an effective way for you to review the many rules of the road. Contact us today for more information.